VelocePress Books
Automobile Floyd Clymer™
Manuals, technical books, service, repair, workshop manuals, and owner's handbooks.
Motorcycle Floyd Clymer™
Manuals, technical books, service, repair, workshop manuals, and owner's handbooks.
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Floyd Clymer™ Books

Clymer Auto |
Clymer Cycle |
Autobooks |
Italian |
Racing |
Floyd Clymer™ Books
VelocePress publishes a wide selection of Floyd Clymer™ manuals and out-of-print technical books, workshop manuals, service, repair and owner's handbooks.
Author: Floyd Clymer
ISBN: 9781588502209
VP Book ID: 19976
Pages: 264
Dimensions: 8 1/4" x 11"
Description: 264 pages, 630 black & white illustrations, size 8.25 x 11 inches. This catalog was originally published in the USA under the same title in 1961 by Floyd Clymer. At the time of his visit to Japan, Clymer made arrangements with the Japan Motor Industrial Federation to secure the US publishing rights for this catalog. This re-print is true to the original and comprises a complete, educational and unique catalog of the emerging Japanese motor industry on the worldwide market. Profusely illustrated with more than 600 black and white images, it provides the reader with an insight into the country, and the manufacturers, that were ultimately destined to become a dominant force in today’s automotive marketplace.
This publication is a ‘must have’ resource for any Japanese motor vehicle enthusiast and an invaluable reference for the automotive historian. Many of the vehicles featured within are highly collectible today and many of those early manufacturers no longer exist or have been absorbed by the current Japanese automotive giants. This publication has been out-of-print and unavailable for many years and is becoming increasingly more difficult to find on the secondary market. We are pleased to be able to offer this reproduction as a service to all automotive enthusiasts worldwide...$34.95 USD
